Monday, November 25, 2019

Xboat Fanzine Issue #2

Guess what showed up in the mailbox today? It even came in an envelope this time, so it arrived in great condition. Congratulations again to Rob Eaglestone for getting another issue out the airlock!

11/26/2019 UPDATE: I just discovered this morning that Rob had sent out just a few copies of Issue #2 as a mail test. With everything working out okay, I'm sure he'll have the rest in the mail soon. Sorry to jump the gun on this one, gang!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Interview with Marc Miller and Starship Geomorphs update

I really enjoy watching interviews with Marc Miller. I'm not sure how I missed this one, from GaryCon last March, but since it currently only has 25 views I'm guessing a lot of you haven't seen it either. It is well worth watching in my opinion. Big thanks to Luke Gygax for posting this to YouTube. Here's a link to help boost the signal: GCXI Panel: Traveller.

In the interview, there is some discussion about a print version of the Starship Geomorphs book. This is something I still very much want to do and am working toward that goal, but I currently have a lot of Traveller irons in the fire and no more spare time than usual. I am in the process of creating a new section for the book called End Geomorphs. These are geomorphs that are designed to connect to only one other geomorph. I'm not sure yet how many of the new geomorphs I will create, but I expect the final print version will be between 200 and 220 pages, including new artwork. December is generally a slow month for me, so hopefully this will be complete and ready to print in early 2020.

Here is an example of an End geomorph, a bridge for a large scale ship with stations based loosely on the Azhanti High Lightning: