Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Happy May Day! - New geomorph sampler pack


Happy May Day, everyone! In honor or the day celebrating our favorite game. I've been spending my day working and listening to the great interviews put out by CyborgPrime on YouTube. Great job, Frank!

To do my part to keep the celebration going, I've put together a sampler pack from the upcoming Adventure Class Starship Geomorphs book. I had hoped to have this finished by last December, but unfortunately life keeps getting in the way. I'm so close, but yet so far away.

Below is a link to the Sampler Pack, which will give you an idea of the new geomorph types, more illustrations, some sample layouts, and the entire index of what is currently in the book.

Right now the book is around 350 pages with around 1,300 new geomorphs, I do not plan to include any blank geomorphs as I did previously, but may follow up with a separate book of blanks if there is any demand. Does anybody use them? I've also got a Ship's Gallery of about 33 pages, but might try to reduce that to about the 10 ships I have modeled in 3D.

Feel free to hit me up with any comments, questions, or suggestions.

Click <<[HERE]>> to download the Geomorph Sampler Pack. Enjoy!


  1. Outstanding! As USUAL!
    Your generosity is only exceeded by your skillz. :-)

  2. Absolutely amazing- Cannot wait to see the final book.
    On an aside, how do you want to be attributed and what limitations do you place? I was hoping to use some Geomorph designs in some material under the Mongoose TAS Program.

    1. So long as the product(s) you create are freely distributed (you do not set a price or even give a pay-what-you-want option), the geomorphs can be used however you want. This is a strict rule for me and is not negotiable. However, if you want to create a commercial product, you are welcome to use the work I've created in the Starship Symbols book to make your own geomorphs or deck plans. Starship rooms and symbols are provided in .DWG, .DXF, and .PNG formats.

      The Starship Symbols PDF book and related CAD files can be found here:
      The .PNG versions were created by Eric Smith based on my work and can be found here:

      I'm less concerned about attribution, but appreciate one of the four following methods:
      - Sharing a link to my blog (
      - Giving attribution to my blog by name (Yet Another Traveller Blog)
      - Attributing the book (Starship Geomorphs 2.0 or whatever)
      - Attribution by my name (Robert Pearce)

      I'd love to see anything you come up with. Good luck and Happy Travelling!

  3. Wonderful stuff! Chef's kiss! Thank you so much.

  4. Can't wait! Blanks are always nice

    1. Thanks for your input. Most of the blanks are already drawn, so I'm thinking of releasing them as a separate PDF after the book is completed.

  5. Oh I am so excited to be seeing this! Smaller Geomorphs is pretty much the only thing I ever thought was missing since I started using your other excellent package!
    Looking forward to putting together some custom ships in the 100s of tons range in future games I run.

    Also I have used the blanks from time to time with the symbols package you released, though it's somewhat rare with how many pieces there already are to choose from when building a ship.

    1. Thanks for your comments. I'm getting closer to completing both the Geomorph and Blanks books. I'm currently looking at 1,565 geomorphs and over 600 blank geomorphs. There should be plenty for everyone to work with!

  6. Any news on how the project has been going these last few months?

    1. Progress has been a little slow due to "day job" work, but the Blanks book is 99% complete - just the page numbering and reprinting left to do. I'm in the middle of a big push to get the Starship Gallery complete. It will just be the 10 ships, but they'll all have deck plans, an illustration, High Guard stats, and notes. The front end of the book is about 15 pages and is roughly 50% complete. The main portion of the book is probably 97% done. Every time I turn around I decide I need another illustration, and I've added three more since the last update. Most of the remainder of the main portion of the book is writing, which unfortunately I am painfully slow at. I've tried using ChatGPT to speed up the process, but have been very unhappy with the results. The project is moving forward steadily, I just wish I had more time to spend on it.

    2. Your illustrations on the other geomorphs book were a nice touch, looking forward to seeing all the new ones!
      Too bad ChatGPT hasn't produced good results, it's no replacement for handcrafted work. Hope you can cross the hurdles of all that writer's block, definitely feel you on that.
      What's the difference between the "front end" and "main portion" of the book? Is the front end the Starship Gallery?

    3. Thanks. The illustrations are a lot of work, but definitely worth including. The front end of the book is the cover, copyright info, table of contents, preface, explanatory text about the new geomorphs, etc. (just like in the first book). The main body is the actual geomorph plans (with illustrations sprinkled in). The Ship's Gallery is an extra section between the geomorphs and the index. It will showcase10 ships, with geomorph deck plans, illustration, High Guard stats, and a lot of supplemental text - 2 pages per ship.The back end is the index.

      There are some portions of the front end which, while helpful, are not necessarily required, and I just decided I'm going to take them out and use them for a future non-geomorph project. A lot of progress has been made in the last month and I'm feeling like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The last book took about 12 hours to print (that's me sitting at my desk, having to create each PDF sheet manually). Then I add they hyper-links, which might take me another 8-12 hours. Its a very slow process when each sheet is a drawing and not just text. The final book will be about 370 pages compared to the first book's 239 pages.

    4. Traveller has been so much more fun with a solid set of geomorphs, so I'm very excited to extend that to the smaller ship-classes I usually play with. And from the sampler pack these look even better than the big ships pack, packed with interesting designs for us to put together.

      It is really incredible how much work you put into this, and still release it all for free! Making Traveller better for everyone.
