Monday, January 13, 2025

Call For Entries - Community Designed Geomorph Layouts

Now that the Adventure Class Starship Geomorphs PDF and individual graphic files are available. I would like to put together a compilation of starships, small craft, and vehicles designed by the Traveller community using these tools. If you would like to participate, please review the minimum requirements below and email your entry to me.

Click [HERE] to download the new Adventure Class Starship Geomorphs PDF.
Click [HERE] to go to Eric Smith's geomorph blog page with downloadable image ZIP files.

Minimum requirements for entries are as follows:

Designer's Name:
This can be your real name, online name, or simply "anonymous" if you prefer.

Ship Class Name (if part of a class)
Ship Name (if a one of a kind, custom ship)

Ship Type with optional qualifier:
Examples: Scout, Armed Merchant, Fast Courier, Heavy Fighter, Luxury Passenger Liner, Far Trader, Commerce Raider, etc.

This should be approximated based on the dtons provided with each geomorph. Include any hidden deck tonnage (for fuel, additional drives, etc.)

Jump Rating:

Maneuver Rating:

Power Plant Rating (optional):

Fuel (for how many jumps):
Examples: single Jump-2 or two Jump-1 (actual dtons of fuel is not required)

Ship Geomorph Layout:
Option 1: (no software skills required)
Provide a written description of the layout, specifying geomorph number, location, and attachments.  For simplicity, multi-level ship decks should be labelled as Upper, Middle, and Lower (as opposed to Deck 1,2 ,3 or Deck A, B, C). Ships should be described fore-to-aft with fore (ship's bow) being on the left.
Upper Deck: [fore] SE-208, Sh-039, M-011, SE-544 [aft]. Add DV-02 (remote turret), barrels facing aft, centered above M-011.
Lower Deck: [fore] SE-107, QG-18 (rotate 180 degrees), M-012, SE-500 [aft]. SS-033 attached to starboard side of QG-18. SS-039 attached to port side of QG-18.

(Note: If the rotation of geomorphs is desired, let me know as shown above. I will adjust any text to the proper orientation).

Option 2
Provide a graphic example of your layout using the individual image files. For quality and consistency I will be recreating your layout in AutoCAD, so while you are free to edit the graphic files to better relay your design intent, I will not be using your image for the book, nor will I be making extensive revisions (see modifications below).

Requested minor modifications (if any):
In an effort to create better, more functional deck plans, I am open to making minor modifications to your design. If you could make a few changes to the geomorphs to make the ship layout better, what would they be?
Example: Delete vertical access from SS-033 and SS-039 (unnecessary). Add vertical access between forward geomorphs in corridor adjacent to upper forward starboard stateroom and lower deck low berths. Modify ship's boat to show passenger seating.

Ship Description:
Write a description of the ship including whatever information you feel is relevant. Refer to canonical Traveller ships if you need direction. Any write-ups should be in a format that allows easy copy and pasting on my end (text in an email is fine).

High Guard stats (optional):
High Guard spreadsheets can be included, but I may reformat as the layout requires.

Notes to the editor:
Include any additional information you may wish to relay to me. This may or may not be included in the final book.

Notes to participants:

  • Email your submission to Please include "Geomorph Entry" in the subject line. Please do your best to provide all information required in your first correspondence. No offense, but I don't want to find myself suddenly dragged into unlimited back and forth emails with anyone.
  • Limit two entries per person. I'm thinking the book will include maybe 30 ships, but that really depends on the number of entries received. If this becomes popular I will produce additional volumes and request more entries.
  • Deck plan layouts and write ups should be evocative of canonical Traveller ships. While a ship layout does not need to conform to any particular set of starship construction rules, an effort should be made to make it look like it does. I don't want to squash anyone's creativity, so for now I am not putting a limit on the number of geomorphs you can include. Some layouts may require a bigger page size than the typical 8.5"x11". That will be for me to resolve.
  • The geomorphs from Starship Geomorphs 2.0 can be used in your design if you wish.
  • Layouts will be accepted on a first come-first served basis. If your layout is too similar to one already submitted it will either be rejected outright or you will be given some direction and an opportunity to resubmit your layout.
  • I do not object to the use of ChatGPT or other AI to assist you in your write-up, but PLEASE be sure to review and edit for content as necessary. I've seen ChatGPT create good sounding, but nonetheless nonsensical gibberish.
  • I may select some ship layouts for 3D modeling and/or illustration purposes. This will most likely be based on what will be quickest for me to produce. Don't feel bad if your ship is not selected. It's not personal.
  • All submissions will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
  • I reserve the right to reject any entry for any reason.
  • There is no submission deadline at this time, since I have no idea how many people will like to participate.
  • Once complete, a compilation PDF of the layouts will be made freely available through this blog.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!


Friday, January 3, 2025

Adventure Class Starship Geomorph - individual image files

Eric Smith has completed the conversion of the Adventure Class Starship Geomorphs from PDF to individual PNG files today and has made the files available. Unlike the previous images he converted, these images are gridless, for easier use with virtual table top gaming systems (VTTs), which typically provide their own grid options. You can also easily combine geomorphs in your favorite graphics editing software. Eric has made both square and hex backgrounds available as an underlay for your deck plan creations.

For additional customization, Eric has pulled many of the ship's vehicles and cargo out as a separate, optional overlay... giving you even more control over the look of your deck plan.

For more information, check out Eric's blog and read about his process and tips for assembling geomorphs using Paint.Net, a Photoshop plugin for Paint.Net, and TR's PseudoSnap! plugin to help align the geomorphs to a grid.



I've created an edited version of the image files, removing the color elements and adjusting the orientation per the PDF (left is fore). I am considering adding a permanent square grid to these, for consistency with the originally released geomorph image files.

Eric is considering creating high resolution version of these files, and possible of the recently release geomorph blanks. I'll let you know when I hear anything.

[EDIT 01-07-2025: Eric has posted high resolution images to his blog page.]