Sunday, July 26, 2020

Starship Geomorphs 2.0

The Starship Geomorphs book has been revised and expanded and is now available for free download.


The biggest change is the addition of two new types of geomorphs, Ends and Aerofins, which will help make your geomorphs layouts have a more streamlined, sci fi aesthetic.

The new book features...
   Over 50 new pages, fully bookmarked and hyperlinked!
   Over 80 new geomorphs and geomorph accessories!
   Over 1 new illustrations!
   Very slightly modified cover!
   Same low price!
... and who knows how many little anal-retentive tweaks! For the meticulously curious, my marked up copy of version 1.1 changes can be found  >>[HERE]<<.

I will be working with Marc Miller to produce a Print On Demand version. It is my hope that over the next couple weeks the Traveller community will review this version for spelling, grammatical, and graphic errors and give me feedback so that any corrections can be made before before the print version becomes available.

Coincidentally, the original geomorphs blog entry from October 2018 just passed 20,000 page views last week. I have no idea how many actual downloads that might be, but I'm delighted the community has shown enthusiasm for this work. Stay safe and Happy Travelling!


  1. Superb work. Thanks for sharing this with the fans.

  2. Awesome! Thank you!!

  3. Hi, love your work, enjoyed 1.1!!!!

    Could you please make a version available with no grid?

    I use hexes on Roll20, and if the squares are pre-printed, I have to Photoshop out the grid by hand.

    Keep up the awesome work! We all appreciate it!

    1. I tried creating them with layers that could be turned on or off and included a hex grid, but for some reason it would screw up the fonts. It takes me about 12-14 hours to reprint the set, so I'm afraid you'll have to deal with the grid on your own.

  4. We love your efforts... Could there possibly be anything more that could come out of this refined oil pipeline of goodness?

    1. Lots more still to come... just need to find the time.

  5. Thank you, I love it!

    Typo: Page 184 "Workpods" "short sleeve" or "shirt sleeve"?

    (Accidentally posted this first on the old post.)

    1. I appreciate the feedback. I think you are right. I just did a quick search on the Traveller Wiki and found both shirt-sleeve and short-sleeve, but shirt-sleeve seemed to be used more often and actually has a Wikipedia entry. Thanks!

  6. Well done, Sophont. Much thanks from this side of the Sector.

  7. Thank you so much for this invaluable resource. As a 12 year old beginning GM, I would've promised my first born for it or your weight in Lanthanum. Holding my breath for volume 2...

    1. 1. You're welcome.
      2. GMing at 12?! That's awesome!
      3. My weight in Lanthanum please (reaches for another donut).
      4. "Don't hold your breath 'cause it'll make you blue." - Adrian Belew

  8. great stuff as always. I appreciate your efforts and will now spend time I am supposed to be working looking over the new stuff (a throne room! how can I use that...mind goes off in a dozen directions)


  9. Very cool and it is an improvement over the old T4 Naval Architects Manual since it is actually a modular element rather than just a floor plan snippet. Also the addition of SketchUp renders of interiors is a nice bonus. Always refreshing to see people contribute so much to the hobby out of their free time.


  10. awesome work!

    is possible take vectors from pdf?

    1. You can but it depends on the software and there's no promise of quality. For example, I can convert a PDF into an AutoCAD file, but the layers, linetypes, and arcs are often lost.

  11. Super cool! I was thrilled to see the Alien Habitat megamorph; I mentioned hoping for something like Cetacean Ops way back when and I was hoping to see something like this. I LOVE the idea of an interface, and the kind of "airlock" to go visit inside. This whole new edition looks amazing!

    1. Yep. You can stand up and take a bow for that one! Your comment was the inspiration. I confirmed Trek's Cetacean Ops but couldn't find much about it. I originally was going to keep it water based for Schalli, uplifted dolphins, etc. but decided to make it more inclusive - to any sophont species that need a special environment or just wanted a special place to call their own. Thanks again!

  12. An incredible resource - thank you so much for sharing.

  13. I think I'm going to add this to my "best OSR" tables - the utility of having a quick made starship plan can't be overstated :)

  14. This is absolutely amazing! I had just found version 1 and started playing around with it when I found version 2. Is there any possibility you might release the geomorphs as image files? I was actually thinking about attempting to carve out some of them on my CNC. Thanks again!

    1. Several followers of the blog have taken the time to convert the geomorphs to a variety of image formats. Check out this link to my Google drive:

  15. Now you need to monetize; sell them as drop in pieces on

  16. Dang this is amazing. Many, many thanks you big sweetie!

    (Incidentally, it's "Random Acts of Kindness" day. You win!)

  17. Thank you Robert, you've made an old Traveller very happy!

    1. You're certainly welcome! I hope this is something you can put to good use.

  18. Seems churlish to ask, when you've done so much here Robert, but have you thought about issuing some spinal mount geomorphs? I'm thinking a few repeatable megamorph tiles for the different main section, and suitably dangerous looking ends and engineering bits. I'd love to see your take on a spinal mason accelerator etc...

    1. I considered drawing some spinal mount geomorphs when I was doing the large bay weapon geomorphs and decided against it at the time, thinking they would just be too big. I think it is worth reconsidering now and I'll put it on my list of things to do. Not sure when I'll get to it though. Thanks for your input.

    2. I just saw I typed mason instead of meson 😅. Thanks Robert

  19. How do I get these into something like roll20?

    1. Several blog readers have converted the geomorphs into JPG and PNG files which can be used for VTTs like Roll20. See this blog post:

  20. I love your work and really needed a way to use these for my own campaign on Fantasy Grounds Unity VTT.

    I have actually started making my own JPG versions of these using 3D assets in Dungeondraft; including furnished and unfurnished versions. It's working out quite well stitching them together in Photoshop after exporting them from Dungeondraft. It's taking me about 1 day to do 2 geomorphs. Will likely get faster as I go; as I start making more and more modular machinery designs to paste in. At this rate I expect to be done some time next year. Do I have your permission to post some of these images to the r/traveller/ subredit as I go? I will give full credit to your work and post a link to this page, if you would like.

    1. Hi Simon - glad to hear you are enjoying the geomorphs. I hope you are aware that there are already a bunch of JPG and PNG files created by other blog readers for use with VTT and photo editing software. I hate the thought of people spending a lot of time doing work that someone else has already done. You can search my blog for the image files. You are certainly welcome to post any of your geomorph creations on Reddit or anywhere else, so long as they remain free for every one to use. Good luck!

    2. Thanks for the heads up and though others have done a lot of the work, I prefer having control over my own maps; being able to switch out decorations and such so that I can use and re-use the same files for different ships and locations without it being too obvious. It's also a just a good project for me to focus on while I build up my map making skills.

      I wasn't planning on charging anything for these, just want to put out as many tools to the scifi VTT community as possible, as there are so few resources available compared to fantasy content.

  21. These are amazing, thank you!

  22. This soooooo cool. Thank you for sharing!!!!

  23. Just had to say: THANKS! This in an incredible resource that really helps bring my Traveller game alive.
